Sublet and Supplier
The major difference between a “Sublet” and a “Supplier” is that a Sublet can sell their product/service directly to the general public when they come to the Northland Field Days event whereas a Supplier can not sell directly to the general public, their products/services can only be sold through the exhibitor who has registered for the site.
This page helps Exhibitors to understand the meaning of Sublet and Supplier in the context of exhibiting at the Northland Field Days.
Subletting is when an exhibiting company shares part of their site with another company. If you would like to invite another company to exhibit at the Northland Field Days using part of your site, you must either tick the YES option on your registration form next to the question that asks if you are planning to have sublet/s on site or if you have already submitted your registration form, please just contact our office to get your sublet/s authorised. Nine times out of ten, the Northland Field Days has no issue with sublets however unauthorised Sublets are not permitted at the Northland Field Days and will be removed from the event site.
Each sublet company must complete and return to our office a Northland Field Days Sublet Registration Form which we will email out prior to the event and the relevant sublet fee must be paid by the due date.
A supplier is a company who uses part of your site to exhibit the products/services that are sold through your Company – you must be able to prove this relationship if asked to by the Northland Field Days.
If you require further clarification – please contact our Office directly (09) 439 8998.